Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Day 7 of SARS-CoV-19 Diary

The Day of Exhibition preparation

I picked up the projector yesterday. Next Wednesday we are supposed to put up an exhibition - it was supposed to be a real one and we had everything thought through for it, but suddenly all REAL life was canceled and everything became virtual. We now have virtual concerts and live plays on Facebook, so everything happens in bedrooms online. SO, I and Marleen have a very vague idea of how this will run, the only certainty is that we have a deadline, no chance of getting together, and a lack of skills. Also, did I mention we have no time? This is short of panic. Nothing to exhibit, 5 days to produce something that doesn't make us regret it. Also, working in pairs is always a matter of finding the middle ground, which in my opinion means sacrificing your thoughts and feelings - therefore it becomes more a craft and less art. Well, at least this is what I felt today, added to the complete disinterest towards this project at this time when the World is boiling over around me.

Anyways, I spent the whole afternoon figuring it out and setting the scene up. Then I wanted to film our set up and ran into a problem.  Turns out projectors are terrible - they only eat what they want and when it's not spot on what you serve them they throw a tantrum. In short, the projector refused to show the video Marleen had put together. That took us the whole evening and we didn't even solve it.

Tomorrow is another day?

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