Sunday, March 15, 2020

Day 3 of SARS-Cov-2 diary

Family day

Really nice weather outside. Sunny, warmer than yesterday, not much wind either. Loore used it well, learned to get on her bike and off again. She can now cycle without helping wheels. A few more days of practice and she can start using her big-girl bike. 

Lots of kids were out on bicycles. Bad thing - no adult supervision, so in my opinion, they didn't keep enough distance.

I went for a run in the forest and even adults don't keep enough distance. There were lots of people out there, but seriously, social distancing means social distancing. DISTANCE! Less than a meter doesn't do the trick. 

Also, nice to see teenagers out and about in nature. BUT not in groups. 

Also, so many idiots spit on the ground. It made me feel very unsafe. Folks really don't understand what this means to public health.

Later I saw a video of tens of cars parked near access route to Viru bog - the footpath there is less than a meter wide and generally, people walk the first 1,5kms only, then turn back. That means there were hundreds of people there today within meters of each other. This shows so clearly that for modern city folk nature means human-controlled areas. And those are narrow and few. Supports the theory that within one generation the knowledge of nature has turned into the anxiety of nature. This dictates our modern world, makes the battle for a thriving environment times harder and gives leeway to capitalistic exploitation of our planet.

I will not run on the official paths anymore, I'm hitting my secret paths from now on. 

Oh, and my coursemate just announced, he has a fever. We sat side by side on Wednesday in class.

And the minister of social sphere said a few minutes ago that if we are lucky and have done enough, the reduction of new cases will happen mid-April. Better get ready to stay at home for months. Thank god for our garden!

I need to start taking notes for this diary. I forgot everything I wanted to write about.

Tomorrow we will see whether our study-work plans become a functioning reality or a glamorous failure. I'll need to go shopping soon, so many people eating 3 meals at home every day, really depletes reserves.

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